We bring together a team of seasoned hoteliers, with years of hands-on experience and unique background. We are dedicated to creating and developing new and exciting concepts to complement the uniqueness of every venture that we represent.
Putu Agus Mahardika
General Manager
Gede Susastra
Finance and Optimization
Wayan Medang Setiawan
(Chef Setiawan)
Food and Beverages
Ni Luh Martina Sukendar
Guest Experience and Sustainability
Nyoman Wisnawa
Housekeeping and Maintenance
Aura Adelia
Commercial and Revenue Optimization
Ni Luh Arina Ratih
I Nyoman Gede Tribayu Usadha
Design and Webmaster
Ni Made Wardani
General Admin
Nyoman Sudiarta
General Assistant